
Many programs are configured using plain-text files known as “dotfiles” (because the file names begin with a ., e.g. ~/.gitconfig, so that they are hidden in the directory listing ls by default).

A lot of the tools you use probably have a lot of settings that can be tuned pretty finely. Often times, tools are customized with specialized languages, e.g. Vimscript for Vim or the shell’s own language for a shell.

Customizing and adapting your tools to your preferred workflow will make you more productive. We advise you to invest time in customizing your tool yourself rather than cloning someone else’s dotfiles from GitHub.

You probably have some dotfiles set up already. Some places to look:

Some programs don’t put the files under your home folder directly and instead they put them in a folder under ~/.config.

Dotfiles are not exclusive to command line applications, for instance the MPV video player can be configured editing files under ~/.config/mpv

Learning to customize tools

You can learn about your tool’s settings by reading online documentation or Manpage. Another great way is to search the internet for blog posts about specific programs, where authors will tell you about their preferred customizations. Yet another way to learn about customizations is to look through other people’s dotfiles: you can find tons of dotfiles repositories on GitHub — see the most popular one here (we advise you not to blindly copy configurations though).


How should you organize your dotfiles? They should be in their own folder, under version control, and symlinked into place using a script. This has the benefits of:

cd ~/src
mkdir dotfiles
cd dotfiles
git init
touch bashrc
# create a bashrc with some settings, e.g.:
#     PS1='\w > '
touch install
chmod +x install
# insert the following into the install script:
#     #!/usr/bin/env bash
#     BASEDIR=$(dirname $0)
#     cd $BASEDIR
#     ln -s ${PWD}/bashrc ~/.bashrc
git add bashrc install
git commit -m 'Initial commit'

Advanced topics

Machine-specific customizations

Most of the time, you’ll want the same configuration across machines, but sometimes, you’ll want a small delta on a particular machine. Here are a couple ways you can handle this situation:

Branch per machine

Use version control to maintain a branch per machine. This approach is logically straightforward but can be pretty heavyweight.

If statements

If the configuration file supports it, use the equivalent of if-statements to apply machine specific customizations. For example, your shell could have something like:

if [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]]; then {do_something else}; fi

# Darwin is the architecture name for macOS systems
if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then {do_something}; fi

# You can also make it machine specific
if [[ "$(hostname)" == "myServer" ]]; then {do_something}; fi


If the configuration file supports it, make use of includes. For example, a ~/.gitconfig can have a setting:

    path = ~/.gitconfig_local

And then on each machine, ~/.gitconfig_local can contain machine-specific settings. You could even track these in a separate repository for machine-specific settings.

This idea is also useful if you want different programs to share some configurations. For instance if you want both bash and zsh to share the same set of aliases you can write them under .aliases and have the following block in both.

# Test if ~/.aliases exists and source it
if [ -f ~/.aliases ]; then
    source ~/.aliases



  1. Create a folder for your dotfiles and set up version control.

  2. Add a configuration for at least one program, e.g. your shell, with some customization (to start off, it can be something as simple as customizing your shell prompt by setting $PS1).

  3. Set up a method to install your dotfiles quickly (and without manual effort) on a new machine. This can be as simple as a shell script that calls ln -s for each file, or you could use a specialized utility.

  4. Test your installation script on a fresh virtual machine.

  5. Migrate all of your current tool configurations to your dotfiles repository.

  6. Publish your dotfiles on GitHub.

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